The healing process can be very hard, but I found that energy work, especially the root chakra helps make it easier because it is connected to both our sexuality and our sense of belonging & rootedness. It makes sense how sexual abuse undealt with can impact some many areas in life & when healed can give so much energy and healing all over.
Secondly, the throat chakra which is related to learning to speak up is another important chakra to work with. We need learn let go of our fears so that we can start speaking our minds and standing up for ourselves.
Also, the solar plexus – the only chakra that’s not connected to an actual body part – is another chakra that we can work with. It when impacted comes with that “I was punched in the gut” feeling. Shifting that experience of being betrayed by abusers, people we may have even loved or trusted, is one of the most important energies we to heal.
I had the privilege of working with the most wonderful, powerful, kind man, Micah Mclaughlin. He was young at the time, with a young family, not even finished with his naturopathic school. He was and still is always eager to make a difference in the lives of people, so he willingly to put himself on the line. He’d google things or call colleagues/friends when he may not have known what to do. At the time I was so much in surviving mode that I didn’t know what he had to go through or learn to be there for me as my friend/ naturopath. I didn’t even how much he knew. All I knew was that I considered him safe (as safe as safe got for me at the time) and he was holding a place for me to get well and do the same for others.
This was such a shift from working with traditional western medicine & the best one I could have made at the time.
Look for someone who is willing & able to listen to you, they may have degrees or not, it doesn’t matter, it all comes down to openness & connectedness to you right where you are – it’ll go a very long way.