I find it deeply unsettling to witness deep thinking people being lured back into Christianity, suddenly proclaiming the awesomeness of the Bible and idolizing Jesus.
It’s not that there aren’t incredibly beautiful teachings in The Bible. There are. And we also have to realize that the Bible is a heavily distorted, purposeful pruned, politicized weapon of empire that erased many gospels from its true and much larger spectrum.
Most notably, the expunging of all record of not only Jesus’ most important disciple and also his equal and wife, Mary Magdalene.
For anyone who triumphs their return to Christianity and Jesus after waking from the chaos of alternative spirituality without mentioning Magdalene as being an integral part of what defines Christ is simply carrying on the same patriarchal misogyny that levelled so much persecutory violence toward the divine feminine and women.
It’s carrying on the same myopias of colonial religion that have been installed and perpetuated for millennia by the most nefarious oppression.
I get that many of us are ignorant of the finer details of the history of Christianity and most organized religions. And yet it is our duty to awaken to their perpetrations.
The Roman Christian Empire and Catholic Church have been some of the most violent perpetrators of genocide and colonization on Earth.
Millions of ‘Pagans’ or indigenous peoples across Europa were its first victims and then eventually the indigenous peoples of the Americas. To pledge a blissful new found allegiance to the teachings of Jesus and the Church without mentioning these world-raping aberrations is an abomination.
We also need to be more intelligently complex with our thinking: we can still embrace Jesus while also calling in all of the terrible shadow of the Christian empire. In fact, we must. Our very sanity depends on us being brilliant enough to ascertain a multidimensional scope of truth.
If you find yourself crawling to the feet of Jesus after wrestling with the shadows of New Age spirituality than please go to Magdalene with as much longing. Search and discover her for she is emerging now from the rubble of patriarchal Christianity’s devastations with the Goddess radiant at her back. This is a great blessing of our age, of the apocalypse–the time of great revealing. Her story is now being told.
Yes the New Age is, in some ways, the ‘new cage’ as a sagacious friend of mine likes to assert, riddled with narcissism, spiritual megalomania, psychedelic addictions, etc. and yet it too has its beautiful truths to contribute to this new blooming of human consciousness. It all needs to be held, discerned, debated, contemplated, tried and tested, as any philosophy should to see its merit. The truth demands nothing less.
And please don’t forget the horrendous crimes that the Church has and still commits daily with its sexual abuse of children and plethora crimes against humanity. Truly, the castrated Christ has wreaked so much havoc, benumbing human sexuality and the vile dictum of original sin is the pinnacle of patriarchal programming by unleashing a pandemic of misanthropy upon the world, setting us up for transhumanist replacement.
Lastly, don’t forget what the Church and the anemic Bible did to Jesus himself. By mutilating his life-story into a cripplingly concise set of chosen gospels, his humanity was twisted into inhuman shape, making him a caricature of what he truly was and is still in all hearts who long to be ‘saved’ from the wiles of the dark.
He became wholly unrelatable to us as kindred brother and human, setting up a god-man standard that is not only unattainable but has also infected us all with a deep-seated worth wound, swaddled in generations of shame that torment every aspect of our being.
Moreover, the erasing of the erotic Jesus, consecrated in divine union with Magdalene, blocked us from understanding the deep and heavenly medicines of sacred sexuality and conscious partnership which offer higher states of consciousness of a much more sustainable and healing kind than psychedelic medicines. Many Christian mystics, the ones who held these true knowings of Christ and were often exterminated for it, regarded conscious partnership as the esoteric shortcut for human evolution.
I will state it clearly: in my humble opinion, to love Jesus without loving Magdalene, given what is now available to us in the liberation of knowledge of our modern era, is blasphemy.
REMEMBER Christ, like the term Buddha, meant one who is anointed and was not reserved from one being alone but for all of us to embody as a spirited devotion to our very human divine soul essence. And most especially, know that women like Magdalene, were Christs as well, else this madness of male dominion will continue to stymie our collective growth and all the chaotic distortions that come from destabilizing the wondrous equanimity of the masculine and feminine whose harmony enthuses the very essence of life itself.