“I couldn’t resist…”
Let’s talk about resistance. I keep seeing the words above being shared a lot these days as people share their AI Avatar art and it definitely sends some chills down my spine. Please know I’m not inkling to harshly judge anyone but discuss what I feel is something highly important to us all. I have an intuitive sense that we are going to have to do a lot more resisting in the coming years. A LOT. Much more than I think we can imagine. And it’s not going to be comfortable as the geo-political pressures are already profoundly intense.
Just look at the level of gaslighting and the global complex of manipulation, engineered by governments like ours in Canada, working hand in hand with the military to develop powerful propaganda, as what is now being exposed as a very dubious pandemic was unleashed upon us.
Many of us resisted the vaxxines, for example, under tremendous duress. I know people who still cannot travel because of this. People who lost their jobs. People who were rejected by friends and family. And yet, they continued to resist. Those resistors need to know they got immensely empowered by staying strong to their truth and more need to honour them.
I know I know it seems so overdone and superlative at this point to keep chiding on about the AI-Avatar thing. And perhaps we should also be curious about why some of us are so vehemently trying to make a point.
I have studied transhumanism, the military-industrial complex, scientific criticism and the like for most of my adult life. And I truly believe that we are about to enter into a very strange and shocking era of our human story where we are going to be incessantly encouraged to give up our natural humanness to be augmented by machines and give our power increasingly to AI. There’s a much deeper story here that the majority of us are ignorant of. Knowledge is power.
There are transhumanists who are very obsessed with being Gods and giving birth to a new species of human-machine cyborgs (homo machina) that they see as a far superior version of us. They are possessed by vainglory to wield the ultimate power of being supreme creators. It’s meglomania of the highest kind. Moreover, this is the endgame of patriarchy: men, deeply fearful of the feminine, and wishing to possess the great power of birth. It is one of the most primal envies men have had of women, knowing that in their conception, birthing and even nurturing abilities with children, they exude a cosmic power that men do not have, though they can participate in.
The AI-Avatar is a gateway drug. Please know that. Transhumanism is attempting to normalize and groom us to exist more in a Metaverse simulated reality, Smart cities, Smart nations even, where everything is intensely controlled by a techno-totalitarianism.
This is not vain conspiracy theory. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are the nexus of the hydra that has its tentacles of influence in all the powerful nation-states. He has stated that China is a role model. And as the intrepid investigative journalist, Whitney Webb, has covered meticulously, these elites want to even go beyond China.
Are you paying attention to China? Have you seen the social credit system and how they are enforcing lockdowns with high technology like police drones and a punitive Covid-passport system? Have you seen the children in schools with brain-scanners, using technology to discipline waywatd minds?
Would you let a chip be inserted in your body? Would you let your DNA be manipulated? Would you like to have children in laboratories without the angelic nest of a woman’s womb?
These are all things that the WEF and their transhumanist agenda parade on their website, all under the guise of helping us from ourselves because we are seen to be something deplorable.
Yes we are going to have to resist great spells of devious magic for there will be an increasing campaign to convince us that our natural humanness is flawed and in need of cybernetic augmentation. AI robots will be heralded as saviours, even though they represent a vastly inferior mode of consciousness compared to our divine humanity. And yet, we are already so barren of feeling our divinity, making us profoundly vulnerable to psychic attack.
“Resistance is futile” so say the BORG, the cyborg human race that seeks to destroy all of humanity in the Star Trek mythos.
It is not. Resistance is how we assert our sovereignty. It is how we demark our boundaries, boldly and powerfully. It is how we keep ourselves pure from the toxicity of a patriarchal, Archon-possessed culture that has already raped and pillaged the sacred ecology of Mother Gaia and is now seeking ultimate control over the human species.
And yet, it is so prophesized that we shall overcome. So please, the next time we have a moment of wanting to throw down our resistances before the temptations of our vanity and the peer pressures to conform to mass consumer trends, check into your heart, where your sovereignty, your connection to Sophia-Wisdom incarnate, lies, perpetually issuing us the guidance to live in virtue, and listen first there and then act as you must. Yes for sure AI can be something useful and creative and many are aware of the darker timeline and exercising their right to explore and that is good. I am not here to foist rigid morality, only to expand our awareness and wisdom.
I’ll have much more to share on the adversary in our midst, the Archons, for it is time our spirituality got real. And there is NOTHING TO FEAR. The universe has our back. We are not to be replaced. We are divinely ordained and it is time to awaken our innate genius.
“Neither scientist nor theologian integrated the human and natural in a way that yielded a sense of our kinship with the universe and our ethical observation of the living planet. There is in fact a deep psychological continuity between the Christian hostility to paganism and the rise of modern science. Both are committed to the desacralization of the natural world.”
— Theodore Roszak