Watching our Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, testify at the Emergencies Act Inquiry is a brazen example of a leader mired in sociopathy and narcissism. The amount of lies he spins out of thin air is, on one hand, actually impressive and on the other it’s profoundly concerning and appalling. I can only surmise that he must have who been highly trained to be so intensely sociopathic, lying without an iota of a functioning moral compass. The utter lack of accountability and self-effacement is off the charts.
What is so dangerous about this is it’s potentially conditioning Canada into a collective ambiguity about our sense of justice. Our sense of what is right and what is wrong is being spun into a whirlwind of confusion. Any sense of ethics is being totally vaporized by political leaders who are modelling mental health problems of the most pathological degree.
This is the SHADOW MAGICIAN at his most devastating, gaslighting an entire nation, throwing other security forces like the police and CSIS under the bus, and taking zero responsibility ZERO all the while. He is literally modeling how to be a dictator to a tee and in a disturbing cloak of sinister charm and devilish detachment.
After the terrible division games the government and their media cohorts plagued Canadians with during the pandemia, we need leaders who can lead from the heart and salvage a sense of unity from this absolute wreak of civil society that has been propagated upon us. And we’re getting the very opposite: a doubling down of a doubling down, even while the masses are seeing through the fuckery, which makes it all the more horrendous. The denial and deceit is beyond reprehensible. It’s dastardly.
It’s also absurd, especially after all of the copious previous testimonies where not one police or security force leader or expert affirmed that invoking the Emergencies Act to quell the Freedom Convoy was the right thing to do. The fact that Trudeau is so brazenly shirking all of those legitimate voices is immensely telling.
It’s the brat archetype, surrounded by voices of reason and choosing to reject ALL OF THEM with a morbid tinge of arrogance at every turn. He has actually become a perfect rendering of the ‘monster boy’ archetype described by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette–a psychologically handicapped man who is stuck in his juvenile and immature boyishness, never having been initiated into true noble manhood. The pervasiveness of monster boys in leadership roles is one of the hallmarks of patriarchy and its blatant toxic masculinity.
For that, I am ambivalently grateful, because on one hand we are getting a truly and ultimate lesson in how corrupt, compromised and toxic our leaders are and on the other hand it’s so utterly depressing that these individuals have somehow attained these roles of leadership. It reflects terribly on our world at large.
They should rather be instituted into highly-skilled therapeutic asylums where they can be properly healed and restrained from being in powerful positions in society until they can model healthy empathic behaviour that is so essential to maintaining the common good. I pray that Trudeau and all those elites that are so steeped in psychological pathology to get that support. And I pray that we become wise enough to see what is so clear as day and work to transform our political system so only the most virtuous humans have the right to govern.
Ultimately, this is collective shadow-work and the responsibility has always been with us to become beacons of human excellence, inspiring sovereignty, creative lovingness and abundant wisdom. We are all integral beings, weaving together these larger fields of culture and society. And now more than ever, as our leaders are increasingly exposed, the light is shining on us to step up.
For that, I am hopeful, for through all the unprecedented adversities I have witnessed our world experience in my lifetime, I concurrently bear witness to the most incredible awakening of greatness in humanity. We are rising and we are more than capable to transform these blatant tyrannies besieging us. It is our very destiny. And with every curl of corruption, our responsive strength is duly activated. May we continue to awaken and expand our love big and bold enough to care for the world and steward holy shifts of indomitable goodness