It’s profoundly tragic that NFL player Damar Hamlin suffered a heart-attack last night on live TV that millions watched in shock and incredible dismay. Prayers to him and his family that he fully recovers.
Sadly, this is another striking example of why it is high time to start to openly discuss the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine, how immensely it has put millions (if not billions) of people in danger and, most importantly, what solutions are there to help mitigate the horrendous side-effects of these experimental injections.
We need to transcend the divisions that many of our politicians and many sectors of the medical establishment wreaked upon us during the vaccine campaigns (and continue to do so). This is no longer about who is right and who is wrong. We need facts, intelligence, rationality and to keep our emotions in check.
And the fact is these vaccines NEVER went through proper safety protocols. They were rushed out under emergency authorizations, making the general public the true testing group, putting all who took them at a major risk that was never properly communicated.
Yes we can understand the rush that led to leaping over appropriate safety standards as people were afraid of the pandemic and wanted to protect themselves and others. And yet, health experts and political allies willfully lied about the efficacy of the vaccines, seducing so many of us into taking these highly experimental and untested jabs.
MYOCARDIATIS is one of the most common side-effects of the mRNA vaccines and especially in young men. That’s no small thing. Inflammation of the heart leads to heart-attacks and all manner of horrible health conditions. The heart is your most vital organ.
We need to get real and have real talk about this. No more denial. This is shadow work of the most immense dimension. We need to admit that we made some big mistakes, as any mature individual must do to take responsibility and authentically mature. If we don’t, we risk being ensnared in even more suffering. Think of not only your own health but those of the children who were also manipulated into being part of the unbeknownst testing group. There should be outrage and rightfully so. There are many powerful people who need to held accountable.
One of my big intentions in 2023 is to encourage more doctors, alternative and natural medicine practitioners, healers, etc. to share resources on how to limit and even nullify the terrible side-effects of these vaccines. Please feel free to share any resources in the comments as I plan on eventually collecting them all and sharing them widely. Perhaps someone has already even done this intrepid work. I know of many already as I’ve been researching this and sharing information since the vaccine rollout began, especially in limiting the dangers of the spike proteins which have now been thoroughly proven to harm us.
We need to take care of each other and get over the triggers of this issue. People took the vaccines with good intention. We put our trust in authority figures who have clearly failed us. It’s a harsh lesson and one we can profoundly grow upon. There’s no blame in this only fierce compassion. Let’s help and support each other to heal from these horrors. Remember it’s always about love. How can we be more loving and more masterful in our loving. This is but another test to flex the powers of our love. Love is the true saviour of the world.
We need more doctors and politicians who vouched for these vaccines to also be mature and admit their mistakes. This humility will offer so much healing and important discussions to take please so we can truly address the problem and get help to the millions in need. Please if you recommended these vaccines, take a moment to consider what is now clear as day happening before us. Sit with it. Sit with your heart. You can still make a difference and be a force of healing and good in the world. I truly believe this is one of the greatest challenges we have ever faced. And ever faithful in our divine humanity to rise above.
The fact that this post will possibly get flagged and will be hit with loads of vaccine warnings and all the nuisances of the control-matrix is criminal. Our safety is being denied. Our ways of healing are being blocked. We need to pull ourselves out of these shadows, shine on a light on this issue and start getting solutions out there so more of these tragedies can be avoided.
Together, we can solve this grave challenge before us and by facing it we initiate a profound leap in our collective evolution and activate new levels of the profound powers of love.
The least we can do is to being to activate our intelligence by using our common sense and asking questions.
For example, have you noticed the immense uptick in young people dying suddenly all over the world? Why would that be? What experimental medical procedure did billions of humans take in the last few years which is now documented to have legion dangerous side-effects? Start there. And I know this is not easy work. Shadow work never is. And the fruits are worth it. Please. We need all hands on deck for this.
Cognitive dissonance is a real phenomenon where our ego throws up a huge wall of discomfort when we are presented with contradictory information. I know this is hard for many of us to swallow, that we may have been greatly hoodwinked and manipulated. And we must breakthrough. We must be brave.
Ask questions. Get curious. This is about much more than our personal discomfort. This is about our fellow humanity. This about the children. Prayers to all those vaccine-injured and those whose lives have been claimed by these experimental injections. I believe we can overcome this. LOVE STRONG!