The transhumanist-AI agenda IS the anti-Christ. I’m not being hyperbolic. Hear me out.
According to the ancient wisdom of the Gnostic Mystery Schools, Christ Consciousness is not something uber-mystical. It’s simply remembering what we inherently are as naturally, divine human beings. Moreover, Christ Consciousness suffuses ALL nature. It is a reminder of what we and all nature is on an essential species-level. It keeps it all centered.
And while some New Agers may decry FOUL because it doesn’t seem as cool and hyper-dimensional, trust me: what humanity essentially is is beautiful, genius and divine beyond what we can conceive. Same with nature.
However, the transhumanist-AI agenda is literally trying to make humanity irrelevant by creating a new form of human life-form: a cyborg of human and machine.
The transhumanists are infected with a deep misanthropic wound that has been carried around in our species for thousands of years, most notably showing up hardcore in the three Abrahamic religions that have taken control of our world. These religions are based on a foundational belief that humanity is flawed and the Earth is a fallen world.
These beliefs actually hide a shadowy hatred for humanity and nature. That is why we are concurrently witnessing the transhumanist-AI connections to the global pedo networks that many of our leaders and so-called elite humans are a part of. They actually hate humanity so much that they willfully and incessantly abuse children.
Did you know Epstein was intensely involved with funding eugenics research and had a dream of creating a super-race of humans based on his own DNA? Why was he funding elite visionaries and scientists like Bill Gates and the Clintons?
This is why the Balenciagia scandal is so important to pay attention to. It’s a burst pipe in the horrendous world of pedophilia. And it goes WAY deeper than people think. Why does the word BAAL appear in one of the infamous photoshoots of children with sexualized teddy bears? Who is BAAL? One of the chief demons of Satan. BAAL ENCI AGA = BAAL IS KING.
Another thing that will be increasingly outed as Pluto enters in Aquarius and we do some of the most intense deep-shadow work is that demonic possession is a thing, a serious thing, and is taking place amongst many of the leaders of our world.
This AI art thing is telling. Have you noticed all the commercials saying that the Metaverse will just be a part of our inevitable future? Transhumanists are trying to normalize AI by appealing to our vanity.
I hate to say it but this is a bit of an IQ test and we are seeing who is falling for these things and who has really got their eyes open. It’s ok. Myself and probably all of us have fallen for these devilish tricks before. The forces that oppose us are cunning as hell. And we also need to get over our egos and listen to the voices of those who are in the know about these deeper matters.
Spiritual development is NOT about how many likes you have, how much money you make, how much social media influence you wield. In our pop-cultural world, it would seem so. And yet, many spiritual influencers are just using business and image-making savviness to be more than they actually are. Getting hooked on avatars is just a whole new level of this.
We are in a spiritual war. A war for our consciousness. A war for the very survival of our natural humanity. And this war is so vastly different than any we have ever fought. For it is not fought with guns and violence. It’s inter-dimensional.
Be wise. Be aware.
One of the most potent ways we can defend our sacredness is to connect the ancient wisdoms on the Earth Goddess. Truly, the story of Sophia and our creation is what has given me the greatest powers of discernment. Now it is all so obvious.
And we have to address the true ‘nature’ of evil, which the Gnostics called the Archons. The Gnostics didn’t consider them evil but insane. And they warned that they are an interdimensional species that hates humanity and wishes to take us off our path of development.
Remember, by naming the demon, we gain power over it. That’s exorcism 101 and truly we all have to become exorcists because the demonic has utterly taken over our realm. And now, they are trying to persuade us to cancel our whole species for a new, superior-AI-cyborg, human race to take over. This is literally THE MATRIX.
It doesn’t have to be this way. AI and tech can be used to help us. Yet, we have to deal with the fact that many humans are compromised, possessed and are not acting out a human agenda.
This is real talk and it may go over many people’s heads. And it’s really what is going on, in my humble opinion after decades of study and experience.
Remember, Christ Consciousness is about returning to what we essentially are. This is why the Vedic yogis prized SELF-REALIZATION because what we are is so amazing and it has been hidden for so long.
To discover what we really are is the most amazing journey, the journey of a lifetime. And it has to do with also bonding with the EARTH for, wonderfully so, what we are is symbiotically apart of Mother Gaia as well.
If you want to dive deep into what I’ve learned and continue to learn please go and check out my Honour All Creation: A New Earth Journey course:
This post is not to sell that at all. I’ve priced it cheaply so that people can just get the knowledge. If money is barrier, just message me and I’ll give it to you.
We need to level-up our wisdom. We’ve been oppressed for so long and the reality of our world has been so intensely distorted and hidden from us.
And yet, now is the time when we are awakening again to truth. This is the time of prophecy. We are what we are searching for. These challenges are our destiny to overcome and by doing so become aware of our glory like never before.