It is one of the greatest scandals in modern history and the corporatist media is doing its best to make sure that it barely is discussed in mass consciousness.
The admittance by a Pfizer executive recently in European parliament that the vaccine was NOT tested to protect against transmission exposes the gargantuan propaganda campaigns that global governments propagated with vehement intensity to coerce, intimidate and even punish people to get the experimental jab as a farce.
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We were lied to by people we have voted for. People we have given our trust to protect us. People we look to as experts in fields of health and medicine.
And while the news cycle barrages us with the mundanity of other world events, like the Alex Jones case, Kanye West and the perpetual circus of distraction, we will not let this go.
We can’t. This is a matter of our collective evolution.
This is collective shadow-work of the highest kind. For us to continue in denial and not get the lesson out of this is to spiral more into collective madness.
It is not easy to look at. It is not easy to admit we were deceived. It is hard to humbly acknowledge that we were wrong. And it’s the essence of maturity to do so.
Many of us need to grow up. This is a massive adulting moment for our humanity. The so-called authorities are playing us and have been for a very long time.
Our very civilization is setup to keep the masses, through manufactured consent, in a state of benumbed subservience where we rarely think for ourselves and give the formation of our beliefs and opinions, the decision-making of our social order, over to others whom we trust.
That trust now has a breach in its hull. And there is no going back. The titanic of truth, as postured by our governments, the many global medical institutions and other so-called visionaries, is doomed to sink to the bottom.
And that is a very good thing. Because now we are asked to make something in its place. To trust our own hearts, our own communities, our own minds.
Yes it may seem dangerous and unsafe and it is the very lifeblood upon which our excellent humanity is based on.
Free-thinking. Freeing our minds. Liberating our souls, from ancient tyrannies.
This is not a time to double-down and make excuses for these parts of our species. It is a time to be brutally honest, set boundaries and take the power BACK.
This is a reckoning moment. This is actually as sweet as it gets. Never before have so many of us been exposed to the grand deceptions that have lurked pervasively behind the veneer of the mediated matrix.
Yes it is apocalyptic, meaning the time of great revealing. And with it, we are being initiated into a whole new stage of our collective evolution where it is now up to us.
Our sovereignty is demanded. The Kingly and Queenly archetypal forces in our collective consciousness that are able to care for the world and let that immensity of love lead us into virtuous action.
For those perpetuating these grand and unprecedented deceptions and manipulations, your time is up. We will continue to NOT consent to your power-plays and disseminations of truth. You will have to earn our trust now and that will take only the most magnanimous of efforts.
We are the captains now of this world. We are the ones rising beyond your caricatures of power into whole new stations of conscious leadership. Humbly redeem yourselves or we shall simply continue to disobey and no longer participate in your political matrix until you are left starving for the very love and connection you have shirked.
Do not look away from this, my fellow beautiful humans. As hard as it is. As relentless and intense these distortions are to engage and integrate, this is the greatest healing opportunity for our collective consciousness.
There’s a mighty and wondrous zest to doing this collective shadow-work for we are truly helping cultivate the bold consciousness to shift us into a whole new world.
Hope springs eternal. Every dark dealing now just fuels the light.