“Tyranny this time came under the name of Liberalism.” — Viva Frei
Indeed it has. And the warping and collapse of the political left is really the fall of the last guard against tyranny. The right had already lost its way long ago and the left held itself valiantly for a good while as the only sanity left in a world teetering into chaos.
Yet, it too inevitably became compromised in the fanaticism of combating chaos with the same monstrous absolutism that the right had often monopolized.
It’s the old tale of being careful if you fight monsters that you don’t become one yourself…
When they paraded George W. Bush as some twisted hero, denouncing Trump’s racism, there was no surviving that hypocrisy.
In the end though, this is but another paradoxical victory in an upside down world. For humanity to truly break the chains of the political, dualistic matrix, both left and right had to be exposed.
Their vehement conflict turned them both into monsters, as conflict unresolved often does.
Thankfully, there are those who have maintained enough equipoise and have bravely awakened realms of consciousness beyond the duality trap.
This evolution of humanity is not only becoming tangible but it is prophecy. Whether it’s the Rainbow Warrior portending of the Cree Indians, or the 8th Fire of the Anishinabe, or the 9th wave of Mayan galactic consciousness and the Sixth Sun of the Aztecs, the greening of the laurel according to the Cathars, our ancient ancestors spoke of a time when a portion of humanity would rise from the ashes of such limited thinking.
They would carry a living wisdom based on love and peace that could not be impeded in its indomitable desire to unify, especially the most disparate aspects of ourselves.
This is the Shambhala Warrior, waging the war of interdependence, the one that truly ends them all.
Love is that magnificent.
It is a genius unparalleled.
Its cunning unmatched.
Its lucidity unstoppable.
Its power infinitely supreme.
It’s already been on display in Ottawa, though smothered in the propagandist naysaying of a crippled media and the callous conscience of those humans already grinded into empathy-less conditions. It’s not their fault. The systemic assault on our humanity has been insidious and profound.
And yet, in Ottawa, there was a realm that was co-created of the most immense love and unity that this country has ever seen. An indigenous friend of mine who was there for weeks, doing ceremonies with elders, remarked during one prayer ceremony that there was a palpable crack in the energetic control matrix and a love burst through unlike any divine force she had ever apprehended.
The next day the Emergency Measures Act was aggressively enacted, as if this geyser of LOVE had to be crushed and swiftly before it spread.
But it was too late. Or rather it was hopeless because before any tyrannical trickery could be even formulated, love was victorious.
You see LOVE is of a whole other dimension. It is like Neo in The Matrix to be sure. It dances with bullets. It changes poison to nectar. It tickles tyrants into humanizing laughter. It opens hearts hidden in fortresses. It’s a divine magic that tyranny is secretly mystified by and, essentially, terrified of.
Because LOVE cannot be controlled. It is freedom incarnate. It simply wants to unite with ALL and it wields the favour of the universe itself, marshalling hidden and secrets powers that the divine is only joyful to procure to it. It will not be denied by ANYTHING or ANYONE.
The left and the right have both fallen because of LOVE. Love could not bear their division anymore. They fought so hard that they both ended up merging into each other and in their conjoining a radiance has risen that is the alchemy of what is best in both.
These humans became rampant in Ottawa. Some came already in, already honed in their own heart-based soul powers. And their convergence created an amplifying vortex that climaxed in dance, reverie, comraderies and constant orgies of kindness and generosity.
Love revealed itself as the great multiplier, the exuberant joy generator, springing into a frenzied abundance as it commingled to an exponential degree.
Love truly became a quantum, toroidal vortex and initiated ALL, even those who came simply out of curiousity.
All races embraced. The indigenous too. Human unity burgeoned.
The Emergency Measures Act failed and will continue to fail because LOVE is eternally free. It cannot be seized, nor imprisoned, nor killed. It’s the very universe itself! And it has been unleashed like no other incarnation in Ottawa and into the world soul.
It bounds now, nation to nation, telling others of its great powers. It is captivating a whole new nation of humanity that will continue to gather and interconnect until, perhaps decades or maybe just years from now, great swells of civilization will be transformed into an ocean of loving-kindness.
The tyrants will eventually come too. They’ll get too tired. They’ll get too sad and twisted and will know always deep done that they were wrong. That they were fighting against what they too desperately wanted but were too fractured and sickened to admit it.
Love will not shun them. It will open its infinite arms to the saints and the sinners. It will hold all to the heaven of the heart and the sacred Earth will once again be remembered as the soul of our Mother who is now calling us home to common ground.
It will come for it has already come. It is already the dream that is conceived in those human hearts brave and wise enough to know. And that garden will continue to grow day-by-day, embrace-by-embrace, smile-by-loving-smile fellow, divine , enticing more and more human beings into their innate loving goodness.
Love will be the flag raised mightily in every human heart, emanating like rays of a great star the great and manna of peace that will magically and gracefully make this all a heaven on earth…