As the infiltrated Canadian government has now stated that they are planning to PERMANENTLY enable the asset-freezing powers granted them under the Emergency Measures Act, it is obvious that the subversion of our democracy is reaching a new gear and the totalitarian tip-toe is now at a full speed gallop.
REMEMBER these are NOT reactions to a peaceful protest that has been propagandized as anything but. These are policies and tyrannical tools that have been cultivated, primed and readied for years.
The government has been insidiously fostering and socially engineering the appropriate context to justify such immense infringements on our lives and destruction of our civil liberties.
This is why from the get-go Trudeau didn’t voice any inkling of actually listening to the demands of a massive group of Canadians but went full aggression by othering them as White Supremacists, racists and a fringe-group, despite many of such assertions being quickly debunked by the plethora of citizen journalism and eye-witness accounts on the ground in Ottawa.
This climaxed in some of his officials finally labelling them terrorists, which fomented the needed degree of divisive hatred amongst the populace. Then the context was completely rendered. Canada was under threat of a Far-Right insurrection and we had to shift the Emergency Measures Act to crush it before too late. It worked in America so why not?
The corporate and politically funded media went full steam on parroting, exaggerating and pummeling Canadians with this propaganda, even though it hardly worked and now the tyrannical regime revealed is playing a very dangerous game.
And now with reports that even those who were not at the protest but simply supporting it are having their bank accounts frozen, the dystopian is not just a theory but a becoming. And the whole world is watching.
Consider that now the government has the power to asset-freeze you, destroying your free ability to act in a capitalist society, if they deem you an enemy. These are unprecedented powers to be activated by a democratic government, forfeiting their ability to even carry such a title any longer.
With the other recent video of an Ontario woman being visited by a police officer regarding her posts on Facebook, thought crimes are now a reality and it’s not a stretch that even sharing ideas that the government deems troublesome can now lead you to being locked out from your bank account:
This is not conspiracy. This is real.
These are the workings of what we see in fascist and totalitarian regimes. And now it is here.
If you care to learn in depth about the tyrannical panopticon that global elites have been slowly planning with transnational empire entities like the WEF and the many intelligence agencies worldwide, I refer you to the incredible investigative journalistic work of Whitney Webb:
This is an incredible article Webb wrote on the burgeoning techno tyranny and how the Covid-19 pandemic is wholly being exploited to bring forth the WEF’s plans for The Great Reset.
Cory Morningstar is another incredible journalist and voice for reasoned rebellion in the midst of this intense quagmire we now find ourselves:
Another breaking story is a former executive whistleblower for EcoHealth alliance, which was the American initiative operating in collaboration with the Wuhan Lab to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research that led to the lab-leak of the Covid-19 virus. This and other whistleblowers are painting a suspicious picture that is looking for and more like proof of the bio-weapon theory:
Let that really sink in: the pandemic may have been the result of a bioweapon that is being exploited to march in Agenda 2030, The Great Reset and a New World Order.
What we can do is continue informing our fellow Canadians and world citizens about these highly pertinent issues. Research the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Agenda 2030. It’s all laid out on their website, though they have recently scrubbed most of it because of the profound protesting of its messaging. Russell Brand has done some excellent analysis of it in his uniquely spiritual wit.
ALSO research the WEF’s take on transhumanism. This is the most NEFARIOUS of their plans. Klaus Schwab, their founder and head (study on him!), has also stated boldly that they plan on microchipping every human being, first on their clothes then in their body.
For the best analysis of the diseased state of human consciousness that is unfolding the transhumanist agenda, I refer you to the great work of Professor David F. Noble who wrote the canonical “The Religion of Technology”.
This is a very complex web of subterfuge, conspiracy to overthrow nation-states to promulgate a new world order of global control and dark philosophical ideas riddled with religious and anti-nature fanaticism. Educate yourself because I’m really not mincing words. This will just become more and more clear to people until we all get it. The real question is what will we do once we get it?
My own humble vision at the moment is that we create a concurrent (not an oppositional, which is draining dualistic thinking) VISION 2030–meaning, start spending time each day individually and also in collective dreaming circles with others (an amazing indigenous practice) TO VISION the world we would like to co-create as sovereign humans and heart-based leaders.
The BEST thing we can do is to act as if we are living in a world where these global tyrannies are obsolete, not because we have to fight against them and destroy (what they truly hope for) but because we CHOOSE not to comply with them and CHOOSE to freely create another version of reality.
From there, we can start enacting decisions to see what it would look like to create biomes, or eco-communities within the industrial-nation complex. These nexuses of conscious humanity will begin to spread increasingly as we re-mineralize the desertification of our creative consciousness by the tyrannical mind control matrix that has been deftly crafted yet no match for enlightened human consciousness.
It will just become natural physics. The beauty, love and sacred power of such New Earth communities will become nodes of alchemical transformation, captivating even tyrants and other sociopathic elites into communal healing and transformational spaces where we can all begin to regenerate and pioneer a new phase of unprecedented human unity.
Truly the most important issue that still stands for our species is repairing our relationships with Mother Earth. The eco-spiritual paradigm provides a missing link by giving us the deep meaning to enroll us in this transpersonal purpose. This also necessitates empowering indigenous wisdom keepers who are willing to help guide and steward an eco-spiritual culture that can form the bedrock for a New Earth civilization.
This will also begin the initiation of a new renaissance as spirituality becomes more properly understood and unfolded as a universal science and art of unity and peace, much like many stellar civilizations in our past attained, such as the Mystery School network in Eurasia.
We are already doing it! No need to level cynical hippy judgements on us! Join us!
We are living in an era that our hippy parents tilled the soil for. We are so grateful for them. Now the awakening of human consciousness is worldwide and indomitable. It is only a matter of time before these tyrannies (in their death-rebirth phase) fall and we rise from their ashes like one great, radiant phoenix, spiraling into the new Golden Age, as the Vedic yuga calendar systems foretells.
We are living prophecy. This is the time of the great shift. And we are all the co-authors of this truly amazing next chapter in the divine human story!