About Darren
Darren Austin Hall is a spiritual teacher, sound healer & song channeler, mystical musician, author, poet and ecstatic dance DJ/facilitator. He is the creator of the Source Resonance Academy devoted to leading sound healing training retreats, intensives and workshops around the world to initiate others onto the path of using sacred sound as a medicine of the soul. He shares his legendary Sacred Sound Journey Concerts around the world and is a renowned recording artist. He was a featured performer at the TEDx Conference in Toronto as well at many eminent festivals all over the world, including the Envision Festival and Sound & Silence. He has released many ground-breaking albums of sacred, healing music including The Tantra of Truth, Songs of Source and Mystical Meditations.
His new double-album, HONOUR ALL CREATION, is a concept album of sound healing journey music, mystical folk and ambient dance music devoted to the dawning of the New Earth. It also consists of a coinciding online course that charts a deep vision quest into the sacred wisdom of the Earth and the Great Goddess -- Honour All Creation: A New Earth Story.
His new book ‘Love’s Revolution’ is an enthralling collection of writing, short stories and poetry which offers a captivating and provocative exploration of the burgeoning realm of sacred sexuality and the revisioning of intimate relationships as pathways of conscious partnership and embodied mysticism. It is available worldwide on Amazon.
Darren is also passionate about rectifying masculinity in a toxic world and has led many men’s groups over the years. His KINGS OF THE HEART online program takes men through a dynamic journey through the masculine archetypes of empowerment to inspire next level positive transformation in their live. He is also the founder of the Earth Knight men’s retreats.
Darren is also the DJ and facilitator of The Big Love Ecstatic Dance, integrating his training in Shaking Medicine with Dr. Bradford Keeney. He shares ecstatic dances and DJs internationally, donning his DJ Druid cap.

He shares his popular Wisdom Warrior talks grounding spiritual insights with contemporary global contexts on his Youtube channel. Darren has been on an odyssey reclaiming the roots of European indigenous wisdom catalyzed by his work with First Nations elders which has culminated in him sharing workshops and ritual concerts where he shares ancient stories of the Goddess and reclaiming an eco-spiritual sense of the world. He considers himself a Sophianic Gnostic and carrier of the ancient story of the Earth Goddess, Gaia-Sophia, which he shares in his ritual mytho-poetic concert Gaia Awakening.
He is devoted to the re-enchantment of our world: restoring a sense of the magical beauty inherent to nature, reverence for Gaia (the Goddess that is Earth) and stewarding a new golden age of universal truth, spiritual science and unity consciousness.
He currently resides in Costa Rica where he is establishing The Gaia Awakening Institute, a physical and online education centre devoted to the evolution of human consciousness, and the reawakening of our interdependent nature and symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth. Through eco-spirituality, the restoration of indigenous wisdom and cultivating conscious community, the Gaia Awakening Institute is helping steward a new paradigm for humanity and a universal culture of peace and unity.
To check out more of Darren's work and to sign up for his newsletter 'THE DRUID': https://www.darrenaustinhall.com.
Instagram: @darrenaustinhall.
Facebook artist and teaching page: https://www.facebook.com/darrenaustinhall/
Darren's acclaimed albums and music are also available widely. They can be streamed on Spotify & Apple Music.
For his full discography: https://darrenaustinhall.bandcamp.com/
Darren's Soundcloud channel consists of his largest collection of music and also spiritual talks and his ecstatic dance DJ sets (DJ Druid): https://soundcloud.com/darren-austin-hall
Darren's Youtube channel consists of many exciting videos of his live sacred musical performances as well as spiritual talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/darrenaustinhall

Gabor Maté M.D
I have had the benefit and pleasure of hearing Darren’s astonishing sound healing music and sacred tones at several events I have facilitated. Darren’s contributions leave me awed and inspired and that much more present for the task at hand. I always look forward to our collaboration.
Wim Hof/the Iceman
Dear Darren,
Your bowls are singing and you are bringing. The voice of the divine to life; To everybody/every mind. To the Soul; From a bowl to the Soul; Carriers of sacred sounds speaking with the voice of an angel; Yes, you fly; And with that, I remember to use my wings of the spirit descending; It is me, oh God I recognise; bow; To your bringing and singing of bowls; For taking me in and understand the deepest of myself; sacred, native; Yes, I do.

I have experienced many sounds journeys over the years and to this day darren austin hall is one of my favorites.his blend of voice and instrumentation pulls deep from the subtle realm.Because of how delicate yet engaging the transmission is, it allows you to go deep within as you held by the loving intention and masterful practice of this sound healing pioneer

Darren Austin Hall has spent much of his life being enchanted by the sacred power of music and sound. Initially, Darren discovered this ability during his childhood, when in moments of solitude, he would find himself impressed upon by a critical mass of interstellar music and channeled sounds. From his earliest memories as a child, Darren recalls hearing music constantly in his mind, so much so that every night he would sing himself to sleep, sometimes upwards of hours, while trembling in ecstatic in his bed and even banging his head on his pillow as a makeshift drum. He noted that especially when he was ill with fever or some other illness, he would go to this ecstatic practice of music as a means to bring him back to health, intuitively so.
His parents attempted to place him on conventional musical paths and he was even asked to join the prestigious St. Michael’s Choir but he consistently rejected these traditional forms for the spontaneous creativity flowing through him that could not be captured in rehearsed recitals of music-making. Though he abandoned this song-channeling practice when he became a more self-conscious teenager, he found himself still transmitting it through early singer-songwriter flows via his taking up of guitar. It was always the intuitive practice of this improvised music that would spur his passion.
Darren experienced a spiritual awakening during his final year of university studies while intersecting quantum physics, Eastern philosophy and indigenous wisdoms that would change the course of his life forever. Darren set off on a pilgrimage of self-realization teaching English in China for three years while studying martial arts and spiritual practice under a Tantric rishi. Upon returning to Canada, Darren opened his first chapter on healing at The Institute of Traditional Medicine, where he took on the edifying challenge of Chinese medicine, Indigenous medicine, acupuncture, and shamanic practices. He then spent over two years with a Native American council led by Mohawk elder, Diane Longboat, training to be a spiritual warrior in their traditions, learning ceremonial medicine, and sweat lodge ceremony. His learning with First Nations teachers culminated in a vision quest with esteemed Anishinabe Wisdom Keeper, Dave Courchene at The Turtle Lodge in Manitoba. It was during that time that his First Nations teachers put forth the challenge to him to seek his own indigenous, European roots, catalyzing for him one of the great odysseys of his life which he shares in his “Earth’s Wisdom” workshops. For Darren, the cause of reclaiming our sense of people of the Earth and for the Earth is tantamount.
Darren’s unique journey, and multi-disciplinary approach has been nourished by his learning under a diversity of extraordinary teachers, including the aforementioned, Dr. Bradford Keeney, who abandoned conventional psychotherapy in order to investigate and study shamanic practices. Dr. Keeney acknowledged Darren’s song channeling gift as a remnant of the ‘song-catching’ skills of the shamans of the San Bushpeople of the Kalahari. Ultimately, it was his encounter with astrologer and Ayurveda teacher, Luiza Ormonde, that guided him toward sound healing.
Darren also trained with Svikiro (traditional healer) and Mhondoro (peacemaker) from Zimbabwe, Mandaza Kandemwa, Druid Alan Reed, Stephen Jenkinson, Mayan Neo-Shaman, Aum Rak, Qigong master, Ken Cohen and Dr. Gabor Mate. Darren is also passionate about ecovillage and spiritual community and has visited and live at Findorn in Scotland, Pacha Mama in Costa Rica and Auroville in India where he also taught yoga and sound healing workshops.
Sound healing is a great nexus of intersection between ancient wisdom and modern science. It is one of the hotspots for the rebirth of a new renaissance that is opening the possibility of universal truth based on the common ground of vibrational reality. Darren has been an ardent student of sound healing paradigms and methods, particular his use of the crystal singing bowls, shamanic singing and tuning fork therapy. He empowers people to rediscover the magnificent healing boons of the singing voice through toning and chanting and is masterful at creating sacred sound journeys and soundbaths to take people on mystical adventures and harmonize dissonant frequencies in our being. Understanding how manipulating sound can affect our body’s natural rhythm of bioelectricity (prana, qi, n’om) has allowed him to create a series of methods to align, and ultimately create harmony through emotional resonance. He is also a sacred musician and composer of songs that inspire universal wisdom and spiritual inspiration.
Darren has also become an inspiring spiritual teacher, incorporating healing through story-telling, shamanic singing, crystal bowls, meditation, spoken-word poetry, and workshops that help facilitate mental and spiritual growth. His spiritual teaching videos are loved by thousands and he is soon to be releasing a diversity of books on a wealth of topics to help educate humanity about their spirituality. He has also become a vanguard in the cause of Conscious Masculinity leading men’s circles, workshops and retreats to help empower men to live lives of excellence and virtue. He is the creator of the Heroic Consciousness program, a 4-module experience that takes men through actualizing of the four major archetypes of masculine empowerment: King, Warrior, Magician and Lover.
Darren Austin Hall holds a BA (Hons.) in Media, Information & Technoculture. In addition, he has also obtained a Diploma of Acupuncture (via three-year program at Institute of Traditional Medicine). Darren undertook a 2-year intensive in Shaking Medicine & Creative Transformation Therapy with Dr. Bradford Keeney, and went through a 2 year mentorship with Chinese Medicine vanguard Lonny Jarrett, studying the spiritual practice of medicine and Taoist five-element theory. Darren has also studied for 2 years as a Spiritual Warrior, training with Mohawk elder Diane Longboat, and her council of teachers. Finally, he has over 500+ hours in Yoga Teacher Training at Octopus Garden Yoga Centre.
In addition to this groundbreaking work, Darren has also created numerous courses, workshops and concert experiences including the Chakra Journey Experience, his Love’s Revolution course which delves into sacred sexuality and the divine path of romance, Living by the Heart based on ancient and innovative wisdom, and his newly released 75hr Source Resonance Certificate Training. Based in Toronto, Darren teaches and performs at popular yoga studios and venues throughout the city and is returning faculty at The Yoga Conference. He also tours internationally, is a recording artist of acclaimed albums and has provided crystal bowl performances and meditations for luminaries such as Graham Hancock, Louise L. Haye, Teal Swan, Dr. Gabor Mate, David Avocado Wolfe and Wim Hof. He is also an acclaimed and published write featured on a variety of online spaces, such as Elephant Journal, The Numinous, Rebelle Society to name a few.