- Song for the Divine Masculine (https://youtu.be/pE_arJy6qfo?si=FereFd-5QzldVWU8)
- Kings of the Heart Trailer: https://youtu.be/Bdxcxsoa9ts?si=A80VO0Ev9lfATEHG
“The masculine self is never stronger or more cohesive than when it is clear about its mission and when its vision of world (cosmos) and related ideals that it serves are worthy of supreme commitment.” – from "The Warrior Within"
The incredible rise of Men's Work is such a noble movement, rectifying the toxicity that has been conditioned into masculinity, further dismantling patriarchy and, concurrently, furthering the co-creation of a true harmonious/gylanic culture between men, women and all gender proclivities. Moreover, this movement is helping men individually to work the wound-to-wisdom road so they can live lives of beautiful fulfillment of their gifts, in service to the upliftment of the world. There is truly nothing more satisfying than to be of service to a higher purpose and to feel the endowments of our divinity emanating with clear and resilient radiance.
My service in the realm of what’s known as MEN’S WORK is truly one of my greatest passions, foremost because I gained so much from it myself when I discovered it at a crucial time in my life following the passing of my father in 2011.
Following that poignant event, I went on a kind of pilgrimage to India, a place that had enchanted me for many years. It was there that I serendipitously met a wise, new male friend from Portugal who introduced me to the masculine archetypes, namely the book King Warrior Magician Lover by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette. Brother Duarte shared with me that this book was introduced to him by a group of wise witches in Europe (using the name witch in a positive sense to denote women of great wit). Moreover, he shared that these women said that EVERY man needs the technology that these books carry so that they can steward their lives into true masculine greatness.
Obviously, I was very intrigued and upon returning to Canada I got myself a copy. That book was the opening of a portal that would forever change my life.
Archetypal psychology is pioneered by the great Carl Jung. But, the archetypes themselves go back to ancient understandings that human consciousness itself is structured on a deep level by these 'character grooves'. Just like light shone through a crystal then refracts into a harmonic series of coloured rays, when consciousness moves through human beings, it expresses itself along these archetypal lines.
This is why epic movies and stories, such as Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, are so popular. They render characters that evoke the archetypes in their fullness, like the King-Warrior in Luke Skywalker, initiated by the Magician/Shaman, Obi Wan. We adore these movies because they resonate and activate these deep power-lines in the human psychic, which are largely unstimulated by the malaise of modern culture (a tragic disconnection that has hurt us all).
As I began to work with the archetypes via self-study, reflection, meditation and prayer, I started to notice significant changes in my character. A potent cohesion began to take place, as the archetypes provide a kind of sacred ordering, pointing out where I was in shadow or unconscious wounded patterns, and helping aiming me to the fullness of the archetypes in me where our most virtuous self is expressed.
So inspired was I that I began a Men’s Circle with an elder brother friend at a yoga studio I was co-running in Toronto at the time. This eventually spawned workshops on the archetypes, the EarthKnight Men’s Retreat and eventually my own Kings of the Heart masculine archetype program.
The rising of men from the ashes of wounded masculine programming is essential for our world to make this holy shift into something far more beautiful, wise and divine.
We are living in revolutionary times as humanity is awakening to its innate sacredness, breaking the chains of ancient tyranny. And we must make certain this is not a revolution of violence and division like old but one fueled by a world-raising love and the wisdom of the ages that is being consolidated into a profound spiritual epiphany for our species.
Women have truly made a remarkable effort to already transform and evolve, awakening to their radiance as co-leaders, priestesses and holders of sacred wisdom and mystical arts. Their rising is also a deep inspiration in the hearts of men to meet them and together co-create a true partnership based culture as some of our ancient ancestors thrived in ages of great peace.
One of the most profound ways men can transform is by embodying the rich activations of their empowered psychology through harnessing the gifts of the archetypes: King, Warrior, Magician & Lover.
This archetypal work has been the foundation for many men's movements the world over for decades. It is like a secret inner-technology that is being spread amongst galvanizing brotherhoods to raise and regenerate the sacred masculine in men.
There's so much beauty in the souls of men. Yes of course we all know about the necessary awareness and needed transmutation of the toxic elements of the distorted masculinity we've all been conditioned with in Western culture, growing up with zombie-killer male heroes, like Rambo, who mis-taught us what true, healthy manhood looks like.
In my years in the realm of Men's Work, I've witnessed a profound excavation and soul recovery of what I call virtuous manfulness in men. Beneath all this fucked-up patriarchal social programming is an immensity of glorious masculinity. And the regeneration of such is an incredible heroic journey for men to take upon.
To experience the virtues of masculinity being activated and embodied is one of the most magnificent things. For me personally, it has been nothing short of a kind of salvation.
I've been teaching the masculine archetypes for a decade now and taking men through this profound and transformational journey is always a sight to behold.
Below you will find several offerings that I make in the realm of Men’s Work, none more powerful than my Kings of the Heart Program, a 6-week journey through the archetypes that I run online usually once a year. You can find the official trailer at the top of this page and all the details HERE:https://kingsoftheheart.darrenaustinhall.com/kings-of-the-heart
If you wish to receive a free copy of my book, please click HERE.
HEALING MASCULINITY: 4-Part Webinar Series. In this 4-part series, you are taking through a journey through four different aspects of the masculine: The Lost Man, The Wild Man, The Mother’s Man and The Glorious Man. Each aspect is an exploration of masculinity and manhood its many wounds and its many virtues. This series goes deep and is helpful for men wishing to understand themselves and their collective wounding better. It also will inspire men to live their lives with greater passion. This course might also be of interest to women wishing to understand the souls of men better.

This KINGS OF THE HEART: ARCHETYPAL LECTURE SERIES. This is a collection of four lectures I did for each of the four masculine archetypes. These are potent audio recordings. To listen to the WARRIOR ARCHETYPE lecture as a sample, click HERE.
This is a deep guided meditation album that connects us to the power of the four major masculine archetypes through profound inner-journeys with mystical, ambient soundscapes.
Carl Jung, the great psychologist, pioneered the great work of archetypal psychology. One of the most potent ways Jung believed we could harness the numinous power of the archetypes was through what we called 'active imagination' or guided meditation.
It is my intention that these 4 meditations, including a bonus meditation which takes you through a complete journey through all of the archetypes, will offer themselves as profound tools to help us cultivate mastery in our lives and a sense of true, virtuous power.
You can purchase the whole album or singular meditations over on my BANDCAMP page HERE: https://darrenaustinhall.bandcamp.com/album/kings-of-the-heart-guided-archetypal-meditations.