- Kings of the Heart: https://kingsoftheheart.darrenaustinhall.com/kings-of-the-heart
- Sacred Sexual Bliss: https://sacredsexualbliss.darrenaustinhall.com/home
- Honour All Creation: A New Earth Story: https://course.honourallcreation.com/home
- Activating the Sacred Masculine
- Healing Masculinity: The Quest for Authentic Manhood
- The Journey of Love & Sacred Sexuality
- Sound Medicine: Introduction to the Healing Power of Sound & Music
We are on the verge of turning a dark age to light; to co-create a birth of a new golden age where science and spirituality converge to align our lives with universal truth. I am humbled, honoured and passionate to contribute to the great awakening and re-enchantment of our world.
Darren Austin Hall
Online Courses

Honour All Creation

Kings of the Heart