Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul -- Plato
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla
‘Sound will be the medicine of the future.’ – Edgar Cayce
The rise of Sound Healing and our collective re-awakening to the sacred and mystical powers of music, is affirming that we are living the prophecy of the great medical intuitive, Edgar Cayce.
We are existing at a time of holy shift between ages, heralding the beginning of the Aquarian Age. In this age, it is our destiny to restore a divine sense of humanity, our world and the very universe. It is a time of great spiritual awakening. Concurrently, we are also awakening to the essential energetics of reality itself, the ‘zero-point field’, the quantum realm, or what many mystical cultures have called ‘the spiritual world’.
This is a world of subtle ‘energy’. I put energy in quotations because this very word is being redefined in constancy. For the very spirit of our universe is not just energetic, it is also vibrational and, thus, soundful. This is why many of the ancients, perceiving through higher states of consciousness the very substratum of reality, depicted that the universe is sound (as the Vedic yogis claimed it NADA BRAHMA) and that cosmos is a grand symphony, the Pythagorean ‘Music of the Spheres’. Yet, Pythagoras himself was an initiate of the great Mystery Schools of Eurasia who said that this knowledge was passed down since time immemorial, even dating back to the celestial knowledge of legendary Atlantis.

We are alive in a great time when we are re-membering the wisdom of the ancients and, true to the spirit of Aquarius pioneering something new–a whole new civilization based on Unity Consciousness (as the Maya have foretold). An enlightened culture of universal truth to help usher in the time of Great Peace (as certain Native American prophecies have visioned).
And within this grand and burgeoning renaissance, as humanity recovers its sanity, reclaims the sacred and leaps into a new evolution of consciousness, the powers of sound and music play a crucial role for they are the deep medicines of the soul; of vibrational cosmology; of spiritual consciousness.
Sound and music can attune us to these potent new galactic frequencies which are anointing the Earth, inspiring our evolution and all life of this wonderful world: Gaia’s awakening. Sound and music are synonymous with the essential energy of reality and our self. This is why they are both soul and cosmic medicines.
This is not superlative. Most of us know this through experiences of music shifting our consciousness into altered and amplified states. The power of music can evoke our emotions, inspire visions, offer transformational energy and also soothe pain and suffering. As we re-member these powers and music is used with more intention, we unlock a profound power that can play a central role in supporting us in making this holy shift with grace.
SOUND HEALING is a portal to a whole world of mysticism, spiritual science and multi-dimensionality. When I discovered it almost 15 years ago, it changed my life in an instant. But it wasn't an experience of a Soundbath or Sound Journey that tickled my soul (though soon after those would further awaken me).
It was actually discovering the knowledge that Sound Healing initiates us into; that re-enchanted world where we truly are all indigenous to cosmic vibrations.
This is an understanding that I quickly discovered wasn't so much something novel as a bridge between ancient mystical wisdom and cutting-edge science. Sound Healing rendered to me a framework for the universality of truth in realizing the vibrating energy that animates all life and all that is, for that matter.
As I share often, it was my astrologer who guided me to explore sound healing, as I was at the time unsure if my studies in Chinese Medicine were my true vocational path. I had never heard of the words sound and healing being combined even! She simply told me to Google it ha! And that search on the interweb changed EVERYTHING FOR ME.
I stayed up almost till dawn researching sound healing because of the exciting convergence of science and spirituality that it initiates. I felt like I had found the holy grail. This unifying of long disparate realms of exploration is one of the hallmarks of turning the dark ages to light and I knew this to the depths of my happy being.
This is precisely why I believe with my whole holy heart that Sound Healing is one of the great arts and sciences of our burgeoning Golden Age.

Moreover, this is why from the outset, I wanted to not only become a Sound Healer but I wanted to teach it. The wisdom therein is just so profound and life-changing. And mark me, as we make this giant leap into this new age, we need to change a lot about our lives, especially our perspectives and beliefs.
Studying the profound world of unified vibrations, quantum physics and the mystical powers of music that our ancient ancestors heralded passionately, is a sure way to prime us for the Aquarian Age we are now transitioning into--an age where the energetic sense of reality is pervasively apparent.
THE SOURCE RESONANCE ACADEMY, my nexus of Sound Healing trainings, workshops, intensives and retreats, happened quite organically. Early on in my Sound Healing career, I began sharing educational workshops about it. I was just teeming with so much exciting info and I knew it would offer world-changing inspiration! I wasn't wrong: people were just as blown away as I was when I discovered the powers of sound, vibration and music. It is such a joy to see the wide-eyed wonder of our innocent souls being struck with awakening resonance by these magnificent paradigms of innovative knowledge.
Workshops ascended into weekend intensives and then into my 75-hour training which I began offering in Toronto, Canada. From there, an opportunity arose to offer a week-long intensive training retreat in Costa Rica where the powers of the Earth took the transformational potentials to a whole new level. I've also had the great honour of teaching my intensives and workshops now all over the world!
And transformation is the key. Sound transform us. As we activate our voices, as we tone the crystal bowls, as we surrender to deep listening to sacred music and go on journeys with sound, our soul essence, akin to living vibration, is resonated. Assuredly, we experience profound and deep inner-experiences that often initiate people into their first authentic spiritual experience, as has been attested countless times over the years to me.
This is why Sound Healers are popping up everywhere--they are vitally priming people for this leap into the great age of realizing the profound unity of an energetic sense of reality. They are awakening and activating our souls. They are tuning our consciousness to this holy shift. I earnestly believe the exponential rise of Sound Healing is incredibly significant in enthusing and evolving the awakening of human consciousness happening now all over the Earth.
“We are the stars which sing/We sing with your Light/We are the birds of fire, we fly across the Heavens/And our Light is a star which sings” -- Algonquin Song
The use of sound for healing is an ancient practice of medicine being rediscovered with profound implications in our modern era. The ancients used sound and music to treat the essence of the human being, the soul itself, as the finer energies of vibration relate and connect to our deeper aspects. This is also seen as getting to the very root of much dis-ease.
Beyond its healing applications, the whole paradigm of sound healing opens a new horizon of engaging an energetic sense of reality and particularly in connecting to the vibrational intelligence of the Heart. This is literally a re-enchantment of the world, as our perception shifts to feeling our way through life, garnering union with the guiding wisdom of the universe and its subtle intuitive powers. As we come to realize our source as vibrational entities, it changes the whole way we live, giving us new skills of empowerment to foster lives of evolving potential. Ultimately, using the voice as a healing, sounding instrument, vibrates our whole being (mind, body & soul), merging us with higher dimensions of consciousness and culminating in resonance with the Source of the very universe—Source Resonance.
“Someday music will be the means of expressing universal religion. Time is wanted for this, but there will come a day when music and its philosophy will become the religion of humanity.” —HAZRAT INYAT KHAN