is an educational portal devoted to transformation and evolution through the healing power of sound and the mystical potentials of music, connecting us to ancient lineages of healing and spiritual cultivation as well as advanced scientific paradigms. Music opens the possibility of a universal language, elaborating the harmony sourced in the universe—Musica Universalis. The Science of Vibration & the Art of Music are sacred arts that initiate us into a world of unity and cosmic truths, connecting us to the virtuous interdependence of this great existence. In all of this convergence, we discover that which can only be called deeply spiritual: as we stand in awe of the intricacies of the universe, the magical infinitudes of creativity, we are gathered all in one robust feeling of beauty; of interconnection with more than we can ever hope to imagine. The spiritual speaks this way: Spirit is but another word for this experience of cosmic unity. To be spiritual is to be devoted to this oneness and to seek to sense and embody it.
Working with sound is a mystical experience of empowerment, adventure and also fun! ‘Playing’ music is essentially something natural to us all, deeply embedded in our cultural traditions, and anchored to fundamental practices of shamanism the world over. The very essence of the word music is deeply shamanic, in fact: ‘the art of the muses’.

Hazrat Inayat Khan
" Someday music will be the means of expressing universal religion. Time is wanted for this, but there will come a day when music and its philosophy will become the religion of humanity.”
" Many say that life entered the human body by the help of music, but the truth is that life itself is music. "
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor
“ Sacred songs and chants from various religions show that we often used sound and music to intensify our connection with divinity ”
The Source Resonance Academy operates as both an online learning portal and community hub, while also conducting live workshops, trainings and retreats worldwide.
Online Learning Membership Options:
∞ TIER I: FREE. A gateway into a series of free videos of both sound healing music, meditations and classes. Access to the Source Resonance community. Access to Vibrations of Peace Collective Sound Healing Activations
∞ TIER II: $22/month. Access to bi-weekly VIBRATION NATION classes that integrate voice activations with sound healing meditations. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7PM EST. Discounted rate for the SOUND MEDICINE online course (50% off) Discounts on Source Resonance Live offerings.
∞ TIER III: $33/month. Additional access to the monthly NEW MOONS VIBRATION session where Darren will share wisdom teachings on astrological energetics of the new lunar cycle, followed by a deep Sacred Sound Channeling. Discounts on Source Resonance Live offerings.
∞ TIER IV: Access to Darren’s Quarterly Source Resonance talks (this can also be open to all graduates from the full training retreat).
Online Courses:
∞ SOUND MEDICINE: An Introduction to the Healing Powers of Sound. In this dynamic online course, participants will learn basic and easy self-healing techniques with the singing voice as well as foundational principles of the Sound Healing paradigm. $88.
Live Workshops & Trainings:
∞ Universal Vibration: Introduction to Sound Healing & Vibrational Reality workshop (two hours)
∞ 3-Day Source Resonance Intensives (Level I-III)
∞ 7-Day Source Resonance Training Intensive Retreats One-On-One Sound Healing Mentorships: Darren also offers mentoring for those on the path of Sound Healing, whether they are already established Sound Healers, Sacred Musicians or taking their first steps on the path.
These are tailor-made to suit the unique needs of each mentee. To book a Discovery Call with Darren, please send an inquiry to
Sound Healing Meditation & Voice Activation. Bi-Weekly classes. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7-8PM EST. In these live sessions, you will be guided into a vibrational sense of yourself and the world through working with simple yet dynamic vocal toning activation methods. Working with our toning voice supports us in balancing and healing ourselves (to make whole; holy) on the deep level of our vibratory essence. We will engage practices such as Chakra Toning, Tibetan Sound Healing, the Taoist Six Healing Sounds, Sanskrit mantra chanting and more. We will peak in an Ultimate Self Vocal Activation, visualizing our greatest expression and empowering it with our voices. We will conclude with a Sound Healing meditation for profound peace.

is an offering of sacred activism using the powers of sound to heal the world through Global Sound Healing Harmonic Initiatives. These are organized both as in-person group experiences and also online as global events. Participants gather to tone crystal bowls and other sound healing instruments while collective vocally toning a united prayer, using the powers of consciousness coherence to amplify their effects to profound degrees.
Graduates of Source Resonance can apply to be ambassadors and host their own Vibrations of Peace gatherings with the invitation to sync up for Global Sound Healing Harmonic Initiatives.
“Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration or The Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1” -- PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA
The Source Resonance Academy is an educational portal into the profound world of Sound Healing. The Academy offers a diverse spectrum of programming which includes:
∞ Introduction to Sound Healing & Vibrational Reality workshop (two hours)
∞ Bi-Weekly Vibration Nation Classes (Voice Activation & Healing Sounds Work)
∞ SOUND MEDICINE: Using Sound & Music to Healing (Online Course)
∞ 3-Day Source Resonance Intensive (Level 1)
∞ 7-Day Source Resonance Training Intensive Retreat
∞ 75-HR Source Resonance Training Program
∞ Continued Education Membership for Graduates (monthly + annual fee options)
- Quarterly Masterclasses
- Graduate Retreats
- Discounts on Source Resonance offerings
∞ One-On-One Sound Healing Mentorships
Under the Source Resonance banner, Darren also offers signature concerts and experiences in the realm of Sound Healing, including:
∞ Bi-Weekly Cosmic Vibration Channelings for Members
∞ Druid Medicine Sound Journeys
∞ Ritual Concerts
∞ Chakra Journey: An Adventure Into Our Multidimensionality

The Source Resonance Academy also includes the VIBRATIONS OF PEACE INITIATIVE which is an offering of sacred activism using the powers of sound to heal the world. Graduates of Source Resonance can apply to be ambassadors and host their own Vibrations of Peace gatherings with the invitation to sync up for Global Coherent Sound Activations.
Membership in the Academy grants access to the quarterly masterclasses as well as the bi-weekly Vibration Nation classes and Cosmic Vibration Sonic Activation Channelings.