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5 Hacks to Nail Your First Broadcast on Periscope
“W.T.F. is Periscope?”
…you ask. I’ve been using Periscope for a week and can already see it will be a big game changer for social media, marketing, blogging, and reality TV. It provides value for entrepreneurs, yoga teachers, independent professionals, animal rescues, brands… companies of all kind. It shortens time between “introduction-to-sale” because people know you in real time and trust you much more quickly. Take a few moments to learn the essentials of Periscope so you can hit the ground running and look like a pro on your first ‘Scope.

Another New Social Media Site? Ugh…
When I saw people on Instagram start to throw out their “Periscope” name alongside their Snapchat name, I thought, “Great – another network to figure out!”. Sometimes I start using a new service right when it comes out or sometimes I put it of, resisting the pressure from external sources to conform.
Download the Periscope App and connect with me! Make sure to say hi! Find me @rima_danielle.
With Periscope, I conformed. If you don’t know what it is, Periscope is an app that allows you to see the world through the eyes of others through live stream broadcasts
5 Hacks to Nail Your First Scope
1. Set Your Title

Make your title something simple and engaging that lets users know what you will focus on. Don’t forget to set this before you hit “Start Broadcast” because once you hit the button, you can’t change it.
If you link your Scope account to Twitter and you have it set so that it tweets when you go live, add 1 or 2 hashtags and your username so people can find you, retweet, and more.
Once you send to Twitter, the picture on the tweet is whatever the first screenshot is. The broadcast starts from the back camera (not the selfie cam) so it’s a good idea to create a simple graphic to have in the camera’s view. It will be the first thing people see as well as the screenshot for Twitter and for replays.

I posted the above tweet as I got ready to go on. This is how it looks once I started and it auto-posted to Twitter. Notice the first shot is the graphic I made with my handle and website.

My Periscope going live sent an automatic tweet of the first screenshot.
2. How Often/Long to Broadcast
How Often?
Consider broadcasting at least once a day, if not more. If you don’t have time to provide a substantive Scope, go on to let knew followers who might search you who you are (your 1-minute digital business card, if you will). Why Broadcast once a day? Broadcasts only last 24 hours before disappearing from your page. There’s a way to save them to your phone but it doesn’t save people’s comments or the hearts . There’s a website and hashtag you can use to archives them on-line with the comments and hearts in tact. It’s called Katch.me. You can use #katch in your title for them to “katch” and record it, and it saves to your account (this works for Meerkat, too).
Also, consider the time of day for your timezone and audience. For example, if you target Moms, a weekday morning at 8 am wouldn’t be the best time, but maybe the middle of the day or evening would be better. This will vary based on your audience and we will get more information as Periscope grows on ideal times. Consider research for other social media sites and your demographic to be relevant.
How Long?
Know what you’re going to say and stick on topic. Give a brief overview as viewers sign on and recap at the end. Don’t blab on – gauge the crowd and if people are asking questions and engaged, you can make it longer, but don’t continue unnecessarily.

5 Hacks to Nail Your First Broadcast on Periscope
3. Engage People in Real Time
People can comment and ‘like’ what you’re saying by tapping the screen to send hearts. This lets you know that you’re saying something valuable and provides you with reassurance. Thank your participants and answer their questions, calling them by name. I like to ask where people are from, what their names are, and if there are questions or feedback. Get to know people so they want to know you and want to buy what you’re selling.
4. Know What You’re Going to Talk About
You want to provide something of substance, value, entertainment, etc. on each Scope. (You don’t have to give a lecture each time but you want to give people something they can take away so they want to keep coming back to your Scopes).
Don’t just get on and start Broadcasting because you’re bored and have nothing else to do. The way you Scope is reflective of your brand in general (clothing companies can scope teasers of new lines and behind-the-scenes footage, for one example of how to align with your image.). Bottom line: Don’t oversaturate your audience.
Once you start your broadcast, give a brief overview of the topic and introduce yourself. Let people know how they can find you on-line other than Periscope. Give Scopers a minute or so to log in before you jump into the material. Recap often and at the end. When you see a lot of new people join, briefly go over what you’re talking about and touch on the points you’ve mentioned.
“Use katch.me to archive your Periscope Broadcasts Online – it retains your comments and hearts as well.

5. Know the Functionality
Once you’re in the App, the 3rd button on the bottom is the ‘Broadcast’ button. When you hit that, you can set your title and choose different settings, like if you want your location to be shared, if you want to set privacy settings, if you want to allow people to comment, and if you want to share to Twitter. Use your Camera App to see what viewers with see (your graphic or initial scene) and go back to Periscope to begin your Broadcast. Users can swipe from right to left to share the Broadcast.
While you’re live, you can see what viewers see on your screen. Comments come through on the bottom and you can respond in real time. People tap the screen to send you hearts. When you switch the camera views while you’re live, the replay has a second or so delay so try not to talk while changing the camera views (at least until they get the bugs worked out!). When you’re done, face the camera, give a smile, and sign off. You swipe down to end, hitting “End Broadcast”. Be like… “Psshhhhh… nailed it.”
But wait….
What about misuse and malfunctions? As with everything, Periscope has the potential for abuse. You can blocks trolls (a person who lurks online, harassing and messing with others by being inappropriate or disrespectful) and their comments. Simply click on their comment during your ‘Scope and click “Block User” (and act unaffected!). It’s inevitable that a troll will make their way to your page here and there.
The difference between trolls on Periscope and other platforms (like YouTube, for example), is that you see their comments in real time as you’re broadcasting (if you’re paying attention to the screen). The troll has the potential to throw you off your game and make you mess up as you react internally and externally to their attacks. Many trolls will go on to live feeds specifically to get the pleasure of seeing others get flustered. Now that you know this, simply block them and stay on the up and up!

5 Hacks to Nail Your First Broadcast on Periscope
Have fun! Are you excited about Periscope? Do you think it will be around for a long time? Comment below!
Please join me @rima_danielle and if you enjoyed it, please share in your social media sites!
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