Personalized Hypnotherapy

Rima utilizes hypnosis with her clients to bypass the limiting beliefs of the conscious mind and to help them feel better faster and more efficiently.

What is Hypnosis?

It’s not what you’ve seen on TV.

Hypnosis is like a deeper form of meditation. Everyone experiences a “trance-like” state of mind regularly, even while driving! It’s called ‘highway hypnosis’ and happens to people often when they go on auto-pilot, are fully in control of the vehicle, but their mind is somewhere else. Rima uses hypnosis to bring clients into a safe and comfortable trance where she can speak directly to the subconscious mind and help clients heal in ways where traditional talk therapy is limited or takes more time.

Does hypnosis work virtually?

Of course! Rima uses audio techniques instead of visual techniques. Since clients are in the comfort of their own home, familiar with Rima’s voice, and trust her (by the time they try hypnosis), they find that virtual hypnosis is extremely effective. Rima customizes the session based on client’s individual needs and beliefs and records the session simultaneously so that client can use the recording indefinitely.

Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?

Contrary to what you might think, EVERYONE is hypnotizable if they choose to believe in the power of the technique. Your mind is your most powerful tool and when you are on board with hypnosis and allow the healing to happen, you surrender to the process and are able to get the full benefits of it. It’s about getting out of your own way.

  • Confidence/Self-esteem

  • Social Anxiety

  • Healthy eating

  • Weight Loss

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Quit smoking/drinking

  • Forgiveness

  • Releasing anger

  • Perfectionism

  • Past Life Regression (PLR)

  • Improve skills with instruments or sports (like guitar or surfing or whatever!)

  • and more!

How To Get Started

Step 1

Book a consultation or a session

Step 2

Get to know Rima

Step 3

Start your healing journey


Explore hypnosis now

You have everything to gain from the process

Rima is a trained hypnotherapist and offers personalized hypnotherapy sessions for just about any topic or issue you’d like to address. She uses hypnosis in her practice regularly.