The Fashion of Yoga #1
September 5, 2024
Gone Natural Part I: Hair Care
September 5, 2024
Alexis Franklin: The Inspired Wanderlust Loving Yoga Teacher
A Lasting Bond
I met the gorgeous and talented Alexis Franklin (aka Yoga Warrior Goddess) earlier in 2015 after we formed an Instagram relationship. She participated in our yoga challenge called #WakeUpYogis and caught everyone’s attention with her fantastic photos and graceful yoga practice. We started chatting and instantly formed a close bond. She came to LA to and we met there. We had a lovely time getting to know one another! Since then, we’ve spent a lot of time together in person, on the phone, on Skype, and through Instagram and we’ve collaborated on many projects (like each designing a pair of yoga shorts for Daughters of Culture, photoshoots, challenges, a future retreat, our blog launches, and more)! It’s been a challenge for me to meet really solid people both professionally and personally and if there’s one thing I can say about Alexis is that she’s a solid woman. She’s reliable, hardworking, organized, motivated, and talented! Because of those reasons, we’ve decided to continue hosting Instagram yoga challenges together on a recurring basis.
What’s An Instagram Yoga Challenge?
Instagram yoga challenges are a fun way to get connected with the yoga community through social media. People there are kind, supportive, and loving! If you’ve been curious about learning more about yoga, a challenge is a great way to start learning poses and to feel what it’s like to do yoga! Of course, challenges are not the only way you should be practicing yoga, but they’re a nice way to get started and then a nice compliment to a home/studio practice after that. We teach the poses, share variations and modifications, and support you along the way! It’s for all levels, so don’t be shy if you’re new. Just focus on being safe and choosing the beginner variation so you don’t hurt yourself.
We have a pose each day and you (the participant) are asked to post your variation on your feed to play along! There are some other rules too, so check in on Instagram to get started. Create an account if you haven’t yet, it’s a great community!
Alexis and I have created & hosted many successful challenges together this year, like #BendFocusFlex, #DaughtersOfYoga & #HarvestMoonRises. Because of our synergistic working relationship, Alexis & I decided to make it a regular monthly thing as co-hosts!
Introducing #YogaQuickies – a simple & sweet 10 day yoga challenge on Instagram with one sponsor (changes monthly) and a new theme each time! We start on the 1st of each month.
For December, we are Detoxing to Retox! Our sponsor is @flexyfitwear. Twist out those toxins so you can eat some sweet vegan pumpkin pie and delicious mashed potatoes until you can’t eat anymore. Then detox again. Join us! Follow us on Instagram for all the information @rima_danielle @yoga_warrior_goddess.
#YogaQuickies starts December 1st! Play along with Alexis and I on Instagram!

#YogaQuickies starts December 1st on Instagram. Follow @rima_danielle @yoga_warrior_goddess to play.
More About Alexis
Alexis lives and teaches yoga in Seattle, Washington where she’s kicking ass and taking names in her elegant, fabulous fashion. She’s been successfully pursuing her yoga and bikini modeling career, which has taken her to many different places to work and play. She loves to travel all over the world and is currently traveling around Fiji and New Caledonia. She’s passionate about her work as a teacher and inspires many to follow their passions as well.
Please follow Alexis on Instagram @yoga_warrior_goddess and find out more on her blog Yoga Warrior Goddess.
And join us on the first of every month for #YogaQuickies fun!
Alexis and Rima, behind the scenes for the #DaughtersOfYoga photoshoot, in the outfits they designed for the blog launch.
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